Aegis TV
Aegis TV

Data Science Congress gathers the best Data minds

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Aegis TV
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Published on Apr 14, 2018
You belong to Data Science Congress 29 May to 1 June 2018, Mumbai, India. A confluence of Data Science, Analytics, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, Blockchain, IoT and Cyber Security You believe the power of data, you believe the data is new oil, you know you can turn data into information and information into insight, so you belong to the largest data science event, presenting Data Science Congress 2018 from 29 May to 1 June 2018. Data Science Congress is the outcome of India’s need to create a vendor-neutral platform for knowledge sharing, best practices, innovations, use cases sharing and establishing a dialogue among the practitioners, users and tech vendors. DSC has proven to be the platform with rich information about latest methods, tools and best of the best practices in the world of data science. You will have the privilege to avail the most of this flood of information and can make the most of insights and data analysis.
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