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Massive Machine Learning - Dr Paul Pallath at Aegis Data Science Congress 2017

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Aegis TV
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Published on Jul 11, 2017
Dr Paul Pallath delivered key talk at Data Science Congress 2017 on Massive Machine Learning Whether businesses want to use data to make the world a better place, to understand the wishes of customers before they are expressed, to be more proactive than reactive in decision making based on predictive technologies, or something else, there are several challenges that we must all face. Also Data Revolution is demanding a new change. That is, the way in which we work with data. We must find ways and means to automate most of the repetitive workflows and modelling processes that are applicable industry-wide. This way, we can free the very valuable time of the data scientist to focus on tough problems that cannot be solved without human intervention. With several thousand models that enable a data-driven company to run, it is also important to have capabilities that enable the company to monitor the performance of these models in real time. This means decommissioning the models that exhibit significant deviation in performance, as compared to when they were deployed on production systems. This paves the way for the need of a Massive Machine Learning Factory, a single source of truth and heart-beat monitor for the entire organization. The presentation will dispel the myth about the analytics continuum from BI to Predictive, and build the case for the new concept around Massive Machine Learning, and discuss the spectrum of machine learning from a logical perspective. The presentation will also briefly touch upon the various types of debt’s that get generated while implementing machine learning at massive scale. About Dr. Paul Pallath Dr. Pallath is the Chief Data Scientist & Senior Director with the Advanced Analytics Organisation at SAP. With over 20 years of experience in Machine Learning, Paul has several research publications in the field of Machine Learning & Data Mining in International Journals and conferences and has also invented several patentable ideas. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Applications with Gold Medal, and PhD in Machine Learning, both from Indian Institute of Technology. Data Science Congress, an initiative of Aegis School of Data Science to bring India at the center stage of Data Science inaugurated by Hon'ble Minister Shri Y S Chowdhary
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